Batch Grouping

SwissDRG AG provides the “Batchgrouper” as a Java class. It allows to group a batch of patient cases stored in a file. It writes then the grouping results into another file.

Batch Grouping SwissDRG patient data (“Akutsomatik”)

Assuming the jar file containing the JavaGrouper is named java-grouper-1.10.0-all.jar and you want to group SwissDRG patient cases with SwissDRG V6.0, billing version, on the command line type:

 java -jar path/to/java-grouper-1.1.0-all.jar \
      -cat path/to/catalog-acute.csv -out ./grouperresults.csv \
      path/to/json-workspace/6.3 path/to/patientinput.csv


The formats of both the patient case file and the grouper result file are described in the Grouper-Dokumentation (DE, FR, IT).

To see all valid options, run:

 java -jar path/to/java-grouper-1.1.0-all.jar 

Batch Grouping TARPSY patient data

Assuming again the jar file containing the JavaGrouper is named java-grouper-1.10.0-all.jar and you want to group TARPSY patient cases with TARPSY V1.0, planning version 2, on the command line type:

  java -cp path/to/java-grouper-1.1.0-all.jar org.swissdrg.grouper.tarpsy.batchgrouper.TarpsyBatchgrouper \
       -cat path/to/tarpsyspecs/t1.2/catalogue.csv -f bfs -out grouperresults.csv \
       path/to/tarpsyspecs/t1.2 path/to/bfs-patientinput.dat


To see all valid options, run:

 java -cp path/to/java-grouper-1.1.0-all.jar org.swissdrg.grouper.tarpsy.batchgrouper.TarpsyBatchgrouper