Calculation of Transfer Discounts

According to the Regeln und Definitionen zur Fallabrechnung unter SwissDRG the transfer discounts (“Verlegungsabschläge”) for transferred patients with a given DRG is calculated like this:

 Transfer discount = daily_transfer_discount * (MLOS - LOS)


NOTE: The mean length of stay (“MLOS”) per DRG is given in the catalogue on the SwissDRG homepage, see e.g. here for SwissDRG 7.0.
But the MLOS provided there are rounded to one decimal, whereas the grouper uses the MLOS rounded down to the preceding integer!

This new way to calculate the transfer discount was introduced with SwissDRG 8.0. Section 2.2.3 of the “Bericht zur Weiterentwicklung der SwissDRG Tarifstruktur 8.0” describes the changes in detail:

Please note that the application of this updated calculation is mandadory: Grouper users cannot use the old way of calculation, lest they get invalid effective cost weights which differ from the public SwissDRG version.


Given SwissDRG 8.0 and a transferred patient case with

So the transfer discount is

(10 - 5) * 0.115 = 0.575

Therefore the effective cost weight will be

1.151 - 0.575 = 0.576