
With the release of Java Grouper 1.1.0 we extend the grouping functionality to also be capable of calculating appropriate supplements for patient cases. Therefor, we had to introduce some changes to the grouper API.

We have also updated the Batchgrouper so it is able to group supplements (see below).


The SwissDRG Online-Grouper is not able yet to group supplements, since supplement grouping is currently being beta-tested. This goes for both the online single case and batch grouper.

Supplement grouping with the Online-Grouper will be available on 30.11.2018.

Supplement Grouping using the Batchgrouper

To use the batchgrouper from the 1.1.0 branch to group supplements based on a BFS (“MedStat”) file, issue this command on the command line:

java -jar java-grouper-1.1.0-BETA-all.jar -cat path/to/catalogue-acute.csv -f bfs -out results.csv path/to/workspace.json medstat-patientdata.dat

(see description of the batchgrouper for details)

This command outputs a normal DRG-grouper result file (here named “results.csv”) and a second output file with the supplement grouper results, named “results.csv.ze”, at the same place.

Instead of a BFS patient file, you can also use the new batchgrouper format 2017 (since it also contains the medication data).

To see the batchgrouper’s options, call it without any parameters:

java -jar path/to/java-grouper-1.1.0-BETA-all.jar 

Supplement Grouping using the GrouperKernel


New public API package

You can now use all classes and interfaces in the org.swissdrg.zegrouper.api top level package. Note that only classes and interfaces from this package are projected to be stable across releases.


Instances of the PatientCase class now offer methods to add medications. This change was necessary to facilitate the calculation of supplements based on ATC codes.

Supplement Grouping

The SwissDRG Java Grouper can now calculate applicable supplements for patient cases. For the batchgrouper, full supplement grouping is only available with the ‘batch_2017’ and ‘bfs’ input formats, since these are the only formats which provide medication information.

Loading a supplement grouper

The IGrouperReader interface was extended and now provides the loadSupplementGrouper(String) method, which returns an instance of ISupplementGrouper.

Calculating supplements

In order to calculate supplements of a PatientCase, you first have to decorate it by creating an instance of SupplementPatientCase. You can then pass this instance to the ISupplementGrouper#group method, which returns an ISupplementGroupResult. This result holds all calculated supplements, along with additional information.


import java.io.IOException;
import org.swissdrg.grouper.*;
import org.swissdrg.zegrouper.api.*;

class SupplementExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception, IOException {
        // Setup patient case
        PatientCase pc = new PatientCase();
        pc.setPdx(new MainDiagnosis("B26.9"));

        // Load Groupers
        IGrouperReader reader = new SpecificationReader();

        IGrouperKernel drgGrouper = reader.loadGrouper("path/to/spec/with/supplements", IGrouperKernel.Tariff.SWISSDRG);
        ISupplementGrouper supplementGrouper = reader.loadSupplementGrouper("path/to/spec/with/supplements");

        // Group into DRG

        // Calculate Supplements
        SupplementPatientCase sPc = new SupplementPatientCase(pc);
        ISupplementGroupResult result = supplementGrouper.group(sPc);

        // Access calculated supplements

Potentially breaking changes

The following list states changes that potentially break applications built against the older 1.0.X branch. Please note that we only state potentially breaking changes to classes within the public API packages.